Roads to Democracies – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Politics and Culture

Short Information

Restricted admissionRegular study timeStarting
yes4 semesterssummer- and wintersemester

Admission Procedure

Application required

Application deadlines

January 15th


Master of Arts

More Information

Program Website

Language of instruction


Study program

The M.A. Roads to Democracies – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Politics and Culture is an international, interdisciplinary, and research-oriented Master of Arts program. The interdisciplinary curriculum focuses on political, economic, historical, social and cultural aspects of democratic ideas, institutions, and structures within and outside Europe integrating the subjects of history, political science and sociology.
The program aims to provide you with analytical tools and theoretical knowledge that helps to understand and explain the interrelation between institutional structures, political processes, and the social and cultural foundations of democracy.

6 reasons to study Roads to Democracies in Siegen

✓ highly topical study program, given the pressure that even established democracies are under worldwide

✓ very close contact with the professors and lecturers due to the good supervision ratio in the degree program

✓ great global contacts with students from Asia, Africa, North and South America, neighboring European countries

✓ well-established and easily accessible Erasmus partnerships (possibility of studying abroad provided; very easy to realize via Erasmus)

✓ very attractive study and learning conditions: top library, great language center

✓ very good living conditions in Siegen: lot of forest, free places in student residences, support structures for students with children

Career prospects

The Master of Arts Degree in the program Roads to Democracies qualifies candidates for admission to doctoral studies/ PhD studies. The Master‘s program provides a good basis for responsible positions in, e.g.

  • national and international organizations, such as
    o UN and EU institutions
    o parliaments
    o ministries
  • political education
  • non-governmental organizations
  • development cooperation
  • international and internationally operating companies or
  • research

Study organization

Subject examination regulations including study plans and module descriptions

The Framework Examination Regulations (RPO-M) and the general subject-specific regulations of the subject examination regulations (PHIL-FPO-M) define the general regulations of studying in Siegen and at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. In addition, the subject examination regulations of the individual (partial) degree programs (FPOs) define the basic structures of a (partial) degree program (e.g. admission requirements and content to be studied). The examination regulations are accompanied by curricula, which represent the recommended exemplary course of study in the individual subjects, as well as module descriptions (content-related information on modules). Students are automatically subject to the current version of an FPO when they enroll for their first semester.

Documents relevant to your studies

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