Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes

Short Information

study time
no4 semestersWintersemester

Admission procedure

Application required

Application period

01.01.- 30.04.


Master of Science

Language of instruction


Study Program

The Master’s course programme „Engineering of Hydro-Environmental Extremes“ at the University of Siegen confers an academic degree which qualifies the title holder as scientific and engineering consultant in the field of Hydro-Environmental Extremes.

The course prepares graduates towards working independently within doctoral programmes in one of the related sub-disciplines of civil engineering, environmental sciences, geosciences, mechanical engineering or computer science. It also trains engineers and project managers for leading positions in industry, business and public administration.

5 reasons to study HDE in Siegen

✓ Future-oriented thinking in higher education

✓ interdisciplinary problem-solving learning for current and future challenges

✓ open-minded and inclusive learning atmosphere.

✓ internationally inspired professional development

✓ research and project-oriented learning experiences

Career prospects

The course deals with the comprehensive analysis and solution of environmental problems, especially in connection with floods and other natural disasters. Students learn how to understand and manage the effects of environmental changes on human society. Both technical and social, economic and political approaches to the prevention and management of natural disasters are considered. The course provides in-depth knowledge of environmental protection, sustainable development and water resource management.
The course can therefore be classified as very future-oriented!

Admission Requirements

A bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, civil engineering dual degree, mechanical engineering or computer science at the University of Siegen, or a course of study of at least three years with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, environmental sciences, geology including engineering and hydrogeology, geosciences, geography or geophysics at a state or state-recognized university.

The examination regulations relevant at the time shall apply.

Study organisation

Examination regulations/degree plan/module manuals/internship rules

Examination regulations (POs) specify the basic structures of a degree program (e.g. admission requirements and contents to be studied). Students are automatically subject to the current version of their PO when they matriculate for their first subject-related semester. This means that even if the PO changes during their studies, the original version according to which they matriculated will remain valid (provided that the PO does not expire).
The respective degree plan is the recommended example progress of the studies in individual subjects and is part of a PO.
Supplementary provisions and details for any module to be studied can be found in the module manual (e.g. requirements for taking a written test or content-related information on the modules/events, …).

We recommend at least looking at the study schedule for your degree program before the lecture time starts, to ensure that you know which modules are intended for the start of your studies.

Advice and Contact

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