Certificate in Sport –
Education and training

Objectives and contents of the certificate course Sport

The Central Operating Unit for Sport and Exercise (ZB-SB) at the University of Siegen has a structure that is unique in Germany. In addition to University Sports, students from all disciplines are offered the Certificate Programme in Sport, which can be completed as an additional qualification to the Main Degree Programme.

The certificate study sport Education and training aims to provide participants with the necessary competence to plan, implement and evaluate sports activities (level 6 of the German Qualifications Framework). The courses take place in theory and practice. They address the design of sports offerings from different fields of movement in the contexts of education and training.

As many students as possible should benefit from this program. It is therefore easily accessible, offers many options and can be easily adapted to the individual course of study of the main degree programme and the goals pursued. The Certificate Programme in Sport thus contributes to the profiling of study biographies and promotes lifelong learning as further education.

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Structure of the sports certificate programme

The Certificate Programme in Sport has a Total of at least 16 SWS and is divided into

  • a sports science propaedeutic (2 SWS),
  • an obligatory area (6 SWS) and
  • an elective area (at least 8 SWS).

In addition, two external services must be provided:

  • First aid course
  • Hospice work.

The sports science propaedeutic

The certificate study starts with a Sports science propaedeutics, which consists entirely of digital lessons and can be started at any time. A special registration is not required, a Self-enrollment via moodle is sufficient. The propaedeutic concludes with a digital exam, the passing of which is the prerequisite for access to all other events in the certificate program Sport. This test can be repeated as many times as desired until it is passed. Participation in the propaedeutic and the examination is free of charge.

According to the Sports Science Propaedeutics three compulsory and at least four election events to prove and Two external services to provide (first aid course and internship). Mandatory and elective areas can be completed in parallel. The events are each provided with a fee of 15 euros.

The mandatory area

The compulsory area includes three events with theory-practice links, which take place in the sports hall.

  • The first event takes up the field of movement of play in the context of education,
  • the second event focuses on the design of training processes in (fitness) sport,
  • in the third course, the final examination (teaching sample) is taken.

The election events

To obtain the certificate, at least four election events must be attended. The offer in the elective area is geared to the demand or the current continuing education needs of the students. The options allow students to individually accentuate their additional qualification. For example, it is possible for them to cover all content areas from the framework specifications for school sports through a corresponding course selection or to obtain further sports licenses and badges during the course.

Obtaining the instructor-in-C license

The university cooperates with the Kreissportbund Siegen-Wittgenstein. This cooperation enables the students to have the training content of the certificate recognized by the Landessportbund and thus to receive the instructor-in-C license (breeding sport). The prerequisite for this is that when applying for the certificate, the propaedeutic examination did not take place more than four semesters ago.

Course of the certificate programme Sport at a glance

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